This tool is a simple Calculator to give you compilation of the most commonly used speaker placement recommendations. Please note that your speakers should be placed along the length (the most extended dimension of an room)
Also note that these calculators are just a theoretical approximation for the placement of your speakers, you should ideally use these as a starting point and then move around to find a spot that works best.
Measure your room Length and Breadth and note it down in the above box, the tool will calculate the ideal distance between the speaker and the placement from the front wall. It also shows where the sweet spot will be. Obviously this will not give you 100% accuracy because of many factors such as angle of the speaker the driver tweeter placement height of the speaker kept so the calculated distance should be considered as your starting point and then move around to check for better sounding placements. Once found your best listening position mark the sweet spot area and height and mark the position of the speakers and angle. Later you will have to calibrate the speaker. Click here to read the blog on how to calibrate and why calibration is important. Also, you can check our sound engineering courses in Pune
Lack of good monitoring can cause serious flaws in setups building up to a record, which most of the time end up being unfixable and lead to extremely shoddy results. Let me give you an example of this one particular session that I have been working on recently. Due to the COVID 19 crisis, I’ve unfortunately found myself working on a lot of recordings which have been recorded at home with subpar monitoring. So in this specific session, the biggest issue we faced was with the Bass that was recorded, it had an extremely dynamic range by which I mean, some notes on the bass were extremely loud and some were very soft. This led to some issues with trying to get the bass and the kick drum to sit together.
Now, how does this relate to monitoring you may ask? I’ve personally recorded this musician before and never faced this issue, what happened in this specific recording is that the musician that was recording in the room with those monitors was probably unable to hear some of the notes due to them cancelling out because of the room modes or bad speaker placement and was hence playing louder than he usual would. This led to a recording where it sounded fine in that specific environment, but when heard on any other system with a relatively flat response, the flaws were apparent.